Tag Archives: ancient greece

WTF Fun Fact 13648 – The Greek Gymnazein

The term ‘gymnastics’ comes from the Greek gymnazein, which means “to exercise naked.” Click to read the full fact. The post WTF Fun Fact 13648 – The Greek Gymnazein appeared first on WTF Fun Facts. Source

Ancient Greek Midwifery: Exclusively Women’s Domain

In ancient Greece, men were legally prohibited from becoming midwives, as the law mandated that only those who had experienced childbirth themselves could qualify for the profession. This requirement was based on the belief that firsthand knowledge of the birthing process was essential for providing the best care to expectant mothers. Additionally, women in ancient… Read More »

WTF Fun Fact 12655 – Alexander the Great and His Horse

Alexander the Great loved his horse so much he named a city after it. Click to read the full fact. The post WTF Fun Fact 12655 – Alexander the Great and His Horse appeared first on WTF Fun Facts. Source

Anti-littering legislation date back…

Anti-littering legislation date back to ancient Greece, a marker on the island of Paros has the inscription “whoever drops their litter on the street owes 51 drachmae to whoever wishes to claim them”. In modernity cigarette butts are the most littered item, with 4.5 trillion discarded each year. The post Anti-littering legislation date back… appeared… Read More »