We all go through low-energy cycles now and then—whether it is the lethargy that comes upon us as we sit all day in front of our computers or the exhaustion of keeping our home in order. We all need an instant energy boost as we go through our lives. That’s why we resort to different things like Caffeine, loud music, or maybe a power nap.
Why not resort to something that does not only work for the short term but also helps fix your low energy levels for the long run and brings in some extra benefits like increased immunity, elevated moods, and superior overall health?
I have curated some energy-boosting Yoga Poses for you towards the same goal.
For complete practice, Yoga Asanas are assumed after warm-up. However, since these poses are for an instant boost, we have selected them in a way that they go from basic to intermediate, therefore, warming you up and building energy gradually to avoid chances of injury.
- In case of any pain or discomfort in the posture, please come out of it and try again. Be aware and listen to your body at all times. Maintain the awareness of breath while in the pose.[1]
- Do not perform Yoga postures on a full stomach as that might hinder digestion and also make you feel uncomfortable during the postures.
Let us get started.
1. Tree Pose (Vrikshasana)

- Stand with your feet together, shoulders rolled back and core engaged.
- Plant your right foot firmly on the ground by stretching your toes slightly apart.
- Bend your left leg and place your sole on your right thigh, toes facing down, and heel towards the pelvis.
- Keep the heel as close to the pelvis as possible and the grip firm. Make sure that the left knee is completely facing towards the left side and not pointing to the front or sideways.
- Choose a point of focus in front and look forward, stabilizing yourself.
- Once you find your balance, bring the palms together into Namaskar Mudra[2] and stretch them over and above your head with elbows straight.
- Keep the focus to maintain the balance
- Take 5 deep breaths or up to 1 minute if comfortable. Inhalation and exhalation make one breath.
- Repeat on the other side.
Contraindications/Modifications for Tree Pose
- In case of uncontrolled hypertension, do not take the arms up. Keep them on the chest in Namaskara Mudra.
- Be careful in case of ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder issues.
- In cases of Vertigo and ear infections causing a problem in balance, perform with utmost care.
- If maintaining balance is a problem, keep holding the bent leg with the respective hand on the ankle or shin and breathe.
2. Warrior Pose 2 (Virbhadrasana 2)

- Stand with the legs apart at 4 to 5 feet distance. Find the balance between the two feet without leaning on either. In case you feel any pain in the knees or heels, reduce the distance.
- Turn the right toe towards the right 90 degrees, right heel in line with the arch of the left foot
- Keep the body in front. Do not move towards the right with the foot. Engage the core and tuck in the tail bone of the spine.
- Inhale and stretch both the arms up parallel to the ground, palms facing down
- Exhale, bend the right knee bringing it in line with the ankle and look towards the middle finger of the right palm.
- Keep pressing the right heel on the mat and consciously stretch both arms away from each other.
- Take 5 deep breaths or up to 1 minute if comfortable.
- Consciously keep the hips facing front and not going towards the right.
- Repeat on the other side.
Contraindications/Modifications of Warrior Pose 2
- Be careful in case of ankle, knee, hip, and shoulder issues.
- In case of neck issues, don’t turn the neck. Keep looking in front.
- Do not perform in case of Diarrhea, weak heart, or uncontrolled hypertension.
3. Downward Dog pose (Adho Mukha Svanasana)

- Come on all fours on the ground—knees and palms—and wrists in line with the shoulders and knees in line with the hips.
- Place the palms firmly on the mat with fingers stretched apart for good support, tuck in the toes, and straighten the knees while pointing the hips towards the sky coming into a semi-inverted position.
- Straighten the spine by coming only on the toes with bent knees for few seconds. If comfortable, place the heels on the ground and knees straight.
- You can adjust the distance between palms and feet now to make you feel more comfortable.
- Keep digging your heels and palms on the mat while keeping the hips pointing up. Look towards the toes.
- Take 5 deep breaths or up to 1 minute if comfortable.
Contraindications/Modifications of Downward Dog Pose
- Do not perform in case of heart conditions and uncontrolled hypertension.
- Also not advised in case of vertigo, ear infections, and any kind of cranial lesions.
- Be very careful if you have a history of a shoulder injury.
4. Low Lunge Pose With Backbend (Anjaneyasana)
- While in the Downward dog pose, bring the right leg forward and place the foot between the palms. Place the left knee on the ground, toe relaxed.
- Sit up and lift the left ankle gradually sliding the left leg back to the point where you do not feel any pressure at all on the left knee.
- Inhale and stretch both the arms up, finger pointing to the sky or bring palms together in Namaskar Mudra.
- Roll the shoulders back and bend back bringing the backbend from the upper back opening the chest to the maximum. Look up.
- Take 5 deep breaths or up to 1 minute if comfortable.
- Go back in Downward Dog pose and repeat on the left side and then relax in the child pose.
Contraindications/Modifications of Low Lunge Pose
- Be careful in case of ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, and neck issues.
- In case of neck issues, don’t turn the neck back. Keep looking in front.
- Do not perform in case of heart conditions and uncontrolled hypertension.
- Also not advised in case of vertigo, ear infections, and any kind of cranial lesions.
- Be very careful if you have a history of shoulder injury.
5. Sitting Spinal Twist (Ardhmatseyndrasana)
- Sit with both legs stretched forward and spine straight. Make sure you are sitting on both hips and not leaning on one.
- Bend the left leg while keeping it on the mat and place the heel of the left leg touching the right hip.
- Bend the right foot and cross it over to the left touching the left hip, knee pointing to the sky.
- Take the right arm back and place the right palm in line with the right hip. Support the spine with the right elbow, keeping it straight. Do not lean back on the arm.
- Inhale and stretch your left arm up, exhale completely and twist towards the right hooking the left elbow outside of the right knee. If possible, you can extend the left arm to grab the right ankle.
- Neck parallel to the right shoulder. Look in front.
- Take 5 deep breaths or up to 1 minute if comfortable.
- Repeat on the other side.
Contraindications/Modifications of Sitting Spinal Twist
- Be careful in case of knee, hip, shoulder, and neck issues.
- Do not perform in case of severe back pain, slip disc, or internal organ issues.
- In case of neck issues, don’t turn the neck back. Keep looking in front.
- Do not perform in case of heart conditions and uncontrolled hypertension.
Time to Perk Up With These Energy-Boosting Yoga Poses
Apart from all the benefits from stretching in each posture to targeting specific organs, notice that in Yoga, your body is getting the added boost of oxygen with each deep inhalation and deep detoxification with each exhalation. You can not only transform your mood but also your life by boosting up your energy levels in a way that is sustainable without any side-effects through the age-old techniques of Yoga.
Do not wait anymore. Try these energy-boosting yoga poses today and see how you feel before, during, and after the posture. Namaste.
More Energy-Boosting Yoga Poses
- 5 Office-Friendly Yoga Poses You Need To Know
- Yoga Poses For Beginners To Achieve A Detoxed And Healthy Body In 7 Days
Featured photo credit: Katie Bush via unsplash.com
[1] | ^ | EkhartYoga: The importance of breath in yoga |
[2] | ^ | Mandalas Life: Namaskar Mudra | Its meaning and significance |
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