Video showing drones spraying liquid is not recent
Video of fire surrounding the Hollywood sign isn’t real
Was David Lammy right to claim 45,000 Russian troops died in November?
Recirculating figures don’t show current average energy prices across Europe
5G has not been shown to be harmful
Buffett has revised his plan to donate his fortune to the Gates Foundation in the future. Instead,…
The Brink of Starvation- The Inspiring Tale of Inventing Instant Ramen
Ah, instant ramen: friend to starving students and broke individuals everywhere. A convenient and delicious source of cheap calories, it is the perfect meal for getting through exam season or stretching a dollar until the next paycheque arrives. Available in a dizzying array of styles and flavours, instant ramen is enjoyed all around the world,… Read More »
Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor
Reach into your pocket and pull out your cell phone. Even if you are rocking the most ancient, stripped-down flip phone from 2002, the object in your hands is still a marvel of modern electronics technology, packing billions of tiny switches into just a few cubic centimetres of space. By contrast, the Apollo Guidance Computer… Read More »