How Do British Schools Teach About the British Empire?

At its peak, the British Empire was the largest Empire in history, encompassing nearly one quarter of the Earth’s surface and more than one quarter of its population. Throughout its history, this massive geopolitical entity was perceived by its proponents as a beacon of civilization, an engine for trade and building local infrastructure and prosperity,… Read More »

12 Fascinating Buses Facts

Buses are a common means of transportation in every country, serving both long and short-distance travelers. The vehicles are also used in institutions to ferry… The post 12 Fascinating Buses Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

12 Interesting Pope Francis Facts

Pope Francis is the current serving Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. He was elected the 266th pope in 2013 and took over after Benedict… The post 12 Interesting Pope Francis Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source