Tag Archives: General

17 Interesting Teargas Facts

When a protest turns into a riot, law enforcement agencies are often forced to use tear gas to disperse the crowds. Sometimes referred to as… The post 17 Interesting Teargas Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

10 Countries with Mandatory Military Service

Except for a few, countable sovereign states, most countries have standing armies and militaries; they are the first line of defense against foreign invaders and… The post 10 Countries with Mandatory Military Service first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

11 Surprising Abandoned Animals Facts

Now more than ever, pet homelessness is a huge concern in many regions worldwide. When an animal has been abandoned, two things will likely happen… The post 11 Surprising Abandoned Animals Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

10 Fascinating Riker’s Island Prison Facts

Located along the Eastern River between the Bronx and Queens, Rikers Island is home to one of the most violent prisons in the United States…. The post 10 Fascinating Riker’s Island Prison Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

9 Times Nature Reclaimed Abandoned Places

Civilization is nature’s biggest threat. The more the population increases, the more nature loses. We live in times when forests are being cut down to… The post 9 Times Nature Reclaimed Abandoned Places first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

11 Lesser-Known Cannibals Facts

The simplest definition of cannibalism is the act of eating an individual of the same species. A wide range of factors, such as survival, population… The post 11 Lesser-Known Cannibals Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

13 Mind-Blowing Firefighters Facts

There is more to firefighters than walking into burning buildings to rescue people or saving frightened cats stuck in trees. The fire department is home… The post 13 Mind-Blowing Firefighters Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

What’s the Safest Seat in a Car?

Most people prefer riding shotgun during road trips because the front passenger seat is comfortable and has better views. However, based on past car crash… The post What’s the Safest Seat in a Car? first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

10 Mysterious Ancient Artifacts

It is normal for archeologists to find common artifacts such as scrolls, tablets, and ancient tools as they go about their activities. However, there have… The post 10 Mysterious Ancient Artifacts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source

11 Intriguing Mirrors Facts

Mirrors have fascinated people for millennia, progressing from polished stones to cutting-edge technological innovations. They are interesting items that represent our look and the advancement… The post 11 Intriguing Mirrors Facts first appeared on KickassFacts. Source