Tag Archives: History
WTF Fun Fact 12937 – Queen Elizabeth Bought Wedding Dress With Ration Coupons
WTF Fun Fact 12936 – Evidence for the First Amputation
WTF Fun Fact 12929 – Dr. Roswell Park and President William McKinley
WTF Fun Fact 12918 – The First Dental Filling
WTF Fun Fact 12916 – Princess of Netherlands Born in Canada
WTF Fun Fact 12913 – St. Hildegard of Bingen
WTF Fun Fact 12909 – The Land Animal That Lived The Longest
WTF Fun Fact 12907 – The Controversy Over Santa Anna’s Leg
The Top Secret Navy Mission that Accidentally Rediscovered the Titanic
More than a century after it struck an iceberg and sank beneath the waves, the Royal Mail Ship Titanic continues to capture the popular imagination. It is a classic fable of ambition, hubris, and the tragic social divisions of the Gilded Age, and has inspired countless books, documentaries, TV programs, and one of the highest-grossing… Read More »