Tag Archives: linguistics
Hyperforeignism is when speakers mispronounce foreign words by applying incorrect patterns, often…
WTF Fun Fact 13717 – Ties Between Norwegian and English
WTF Fun Fact 13566 – Can You Forget a Language?
WTF Fun Fact 13556 – New Indo-European Language
WTF Fun Fact 13486 – Mamihlapinatapai, the Most Succinct Word
WTF Fun Fact 12949 – 200 Invented Languages
WTF Fun Fact 12644 – The Parrot Who Saved a Dead Language
A 2014 linguistics study on filler…
A 2014 linguistics study on filler words found that women use “um” ~22% more than men, men say “uh” 250% more than women, & men use filler words ~38% more than women. When speaking to the opposite gender, men use “uh” ~14% less & “um” ~8% more, while women use “uh” ~20% more & “um”… Read More »