Tag Archives: People
Why are Some People Left Handed?
10 Entertaining Jim Carrey Facts
9 People Who Became Part of History by Coincidence
14 Facts about Vladimir Putin
Forgotten Titans of History- The Edison of Ancient Greece
Study the history of science and technology long enough, and you will discover that – contrary to what popular culture would have you believe – few inventions are the product of a single brilliant mind. Instead, technological progress is the result of incremental discoveries and refinements made by multiple people. But once in a while,… Read More »
What were Hitler’s relatives Up to During WWII?
On January 23, 1943 at the Battle of Stalingrad, the Red Army captured a Luftwaffe Lieutenant, one Leo Raubal. That name did not ring any particular bell amongst the Soviet interrogators, just another POW. Except he wasn’t. Lieutenant Raubal himself revealed to his captors the identity of his infamous uncle: Adolf Hitler. Now, Hitler could… Read More »