Productive Procrastination: Is It Good or Bad?

By | June 15, 2023

Ever heard of the phrase “productive procrastination?” At first glance, it seems like a sweet deal, right?

Doing something productive while also putting off what you’re supposed to be doing? Is it even possible?

Let’s dive into this curious phenomenon and see if it’s as golden as it sounds.

What Is Productive Procrastination?

Productive procrastination is an intriguing paradox, a curious blend of action and avoidance. You’re ticking off tasks, your mind is engaged, your hands are busy, but something’s amiss. You’re humming with activity, yet the most crucial task, the one that could really shift the dial, remains untouched. You’re running in place, not moving forward.

Take a remote worker for example. There’s a critical project looming ahead, something that requires deep thought, a dash of creativity, and a lot of focus. The deadline is approaching, but instead of making a start, the worker decides to declutter the email inbox. Thousands of old emails are sorted, labeled, and deleted.

There’s a certain satisfaction in this, a sense of orderliness. Hours roll by, the inbox is clean and tidy, but the important project? Still untouched.

Now, let’s peek into a more domestic setting. It’s a weekend, and there are a series of chores to tackle: bills to pay, a broken faucet that needs fixing, and groceries to restock. Among these tasks, fixing the faucet is most pressing, as it’s causing a water leakage. But instead of addressing this problem first, the homeowner decides to embark on an impromptu task: reorganizing the kitchen pantry. Jars are labeled, shelves are rearranged, and spices are alphabetically ordered.

The homeowner feels a sense of achievement, the pantry looks splendid, but the faucet? It’s still leaking.

In both instances, time and effort were spent on tasks that felt productive but were not the most important or urgent tasks at hand.[1] While it might feel like progress is being made, in truth, the key tasks — the ones that can really make a difference — are being procrastinated on. The needle doesn’t move, and that’s the core issue with productive procrastination.

Is Productive Procrastination Good?

There is a certain allure to being busy. In a society that often equates busyness with importance and achievement, it’s easy to be seduced by the constant hum of activity, even if it’s misplaced.

However, this is where the danger lies. When we employ busyness as a protective shield, masking our avoidance of truly important tasks, we are drifting away from the path that leads us to our goals.

Imagine your dreams and aspirations as a mountain peak. Each task that takes you closer to the summit is a step forward. However, productive procrastination is akin to walking around the base of the mountain, admiring the scenery, picking flowers, or clearing pebbles.

While these activities may give you a sense of accomplishment, they don’t get you any closer to the peak. The hard climb, the real journey that takes you to your dream, remains unstarted.

In this context, it becomes clear that productive procrastination is not our friend, but a stealthy adversary. All the effort and hard work you’re putting in don’t contribute to your true objectives if they’re expended on the wrong tasks.

You could be the most industrious person, but if your industry is not directed towards your goals, it’s akin to running on a treadmill – lots of sweat, but no real forward motion.

This leads us to a crucial point: busy does not equal productive. They’re two distinct entities. Busyness pertains to the quantity of tasks performed, often regardless of their value or relevance.

On the other hand, productivity pertains to the quality and impact of the work done. A productive individual doesn’t just do more; they do what matters most. They prioritize tasks that bring them closer to their goals and make the most meaningful impact.

So, while productive procrastination might seem appealing on the surface, it’s a mirage that distracts us from the genuine progress and prevents us from realizing our dreams. Understanding this distinction is the first step towards breaking free from this deceptive trap.

The Illusion of Productivity

What’s particularly insidious about productive procrastination is how seamlessly it masquerades as genuine productivity. It’s a trap so cleverly disguised that we often fall for it without even realizing it. And why wouldn’t we? After all, it feeds into our desire to feel accomplished, competent, and in control.

Conventional procrastination is easy to spot – it’s avoiding work and doing nothing. The report you’re supposed to be writing remains untouched, the laundry piles up, and the nagging voice in your head keeps reminding you about your inaction. There’s a clear consciousness of avoidance, a tangible sense of guilt or discomfort.

In contrast, productive procrastination sneaks up on you. It’s the silent saboteur, quietly undermining your efforts while making you believe you’re doing well.

How? By getting you busy, so busy, in fact, that you hardly have a moment to pause and consider the true value of what you’re doing. You’re replying to non-urgent emails, organizing your workspace, cleaning the house – all tasks that give an illusion of progress, yet often do little to move you closer to your goals.

And here lies the pitfall:

While you’re immersed in these tasks, you feel productive. After all, you’re crossing items off your to-do list, your hands are full, and you’re on the move. It feels good, it feels right. You bask in this feeling of busyness, this sense of motion, mistaking it for productivity.

But in reality, you’re stalling. By focusing on low-value tasks, you’re inadvertently diluting your potential to accomplish tasks that really matter.

It’s this blissful ignorance, this false sense of accomplishment, that lures us into the trap of productive procrastination.

How to Avoid Productive Procrastination

Recognizing this deceptive pattern is the first step towards overcoming it, and reorienting ourselves towards truly productive actions.

The key to avoiding productive procrastination is self-awareness and a solid system to organize your day. Here are some strategies to help you break free:

1. Identify Your Most Important Tasks or Activities

This is your starting point. It all begins by clearly knowing what tasks hold the most value and impact in your work or personal life.

What are the tasks that move the needle, that bring you closer to your goals? Prioritize these tasks above others.

Make a list, keep it visible, and remind yourself why these tasks are so crucial.

2. Harness Your Power Hour

For most people, mornings offer a fresh reservoir of energy and focus. This is your power hour — the golden time when you’re at your productive peak. Dive into your most important tasks during this period. Don’t let trivial tasks steal this precious time.

By dedicating your best energy to your high-priority tasks, you not only ensure they get done, but also that they get done well.

3. Block Your Schedule

If you’re not a morning person or if your circumstances don’t allow for a morning power hour, that’s fine. The principle remains the same: dedicate your best time to your high-priority tasks.

Block out specific periods in your schedule solely for these tasks. Treat these time blocks as appointments with yourself that you can’t afford to miss. It’s all about making a commitment and sticking to it.

For a more comprehensive understanding of procrastination and how to overcome it, check out: What Is Procrastination and How to Stop It

Final Thoughts

The allure of productive procrastination lies in its ability to make us feel good about being busy, without moving us closer to our true objectives. But with a clear understanding of what matters most, and a strategy to tackle these tasks head-on, we can avoid falling for this trap.

In the end, it’s all about ensuring that your efforts align with your goals, and that your actions lead you in the right direction. Productive procrastination might feel comforting, but true progress lies in breaking free from it, and channeling your energy towards what truly matters.

As the saying goes, work smarter, not harder. After all, life is too short to spend it spinning in circles.


Don’t have time for the full article? Read this.

Productive procrastination is a paradox where you seem busy but are actually avoiding your most important tasks.

This phenomenon is common in both work and everyday life scenarios, where less important tasks take precedence over urgent or crucial ones.

Productive procrastination is detrimental as it distracts from tasks that contribute to our true objectives. Despite the feeling of being busy, we’re not necessarily being productive.

People fall into the trap of productive procrastination because it provides a false sense of accomplishment, making them feel good about themselves, while they ignore their highest priority tasks.

To avoid productive procrastination: 1. Identify and prioritize your most important tasks. 2. Use your highest energy periods (usually mornings for most people) to tackle these important tasks. 3. If that’s not possible, block specific time slots in your schedule to complete these tasks.

Overcoming productive procrastination involves aligning our efforts with our ambitions, ensuring that our actions truly lead us closer to our goals.


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The post Productive Procrastination: Is It Good or Bad? appeared first on Lifehack.
