Author Archives: WeRaven

Diving Deep: 5 Astonishing Facts about Our Oceans

Despite being integral to our planet’s health and history, oceans remain largely unexplored. Let’s navigate through five remarkable oceanic revelations: Breathing Oceanic Air: When you take a deep breath, thank the ocean. Contrary to popular belief, trees aren’t the primary providers of Earth’s oxygen. A significant majority of the oxygen we breathe—over half—originates from marine… Read More »

7 Interesting Waterbuck Facts

Waterbucks are the biggest in their family. Placed under the genus Kobus, the Bovidae family, the large antelope is predominant in sub-Saharan Africa. Adult males weigh about 262kgs (578 pounds), while females weigh around 214kgs (about 472 pounds). Male waterbucks have long, spiral hones that curve backwards and forward– it’s hard to miss them. Sometimes…… Read More »

7 Mind-blowing PI (π) Facts

“If the radius of a circle is 14cm, find its circumference. Take 3.14 as π.” You have probably encountered such math exercises. At the time, unless you cared about the subject, chances are you did them for the marks and never cared about the origin of the PI symbol or who came up with the…… Read More »

WTF Fun Fact 13495 – Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory

Seeing ghosts at a haunted house? Are you sure that’s not the carbon monoxide getting to you? Click to read the full fact. The post WTF Fun Fact 13495 – Haunted House Carbon Monoxide Theory appeared first on WTF Fun Facts. Source