Tag Archives: Animals
While great apes can learn hundreds of sign language words, they have never been observed asking…
A cat in New Zealand managed to trick two women into caring for him. Neither woman realized they…
Honeybees, with brains the size of a sesame seed, can count up to four and comprehend the concept of…
The 9/11 rescue dogs, after repeatedly finding only bodies, appeared to lose motivation, so workers…
The Insanely Lucrative and Psychological Job of Chick Sexing
What is the strangest job you have ever had? Snake milker? Professional cuddler? Dog food taster? Online educational content creator? Professional queuer (and yes, these are all very real)? Well, if you have a taste for offbeat employment, why not consider a career in chick sexing? No, not having spicy time with our delicious avian… Read More »
Will a Shark Really Die if it Stops Swimming?
If you’ve ever been thrown into a highly stressful situation and left to fend for yourself, you’ve likely been told that your options are to “sink or swim.” This idiom, which has existed since at least the 14th Century and has appeared in the works of Chaucer and Shakespeare, is thought to have originated either… Read More »
Mermaids and the Bizarre Tale of One of the Fastest Extinctions in Modern History
If ever there was a poster child for human-caused extinction, it was the Dodo. This odd-looking flightless bird, native to the remote island of Mauritius in the Indian Ocean, was first encountered by Dutch sailors in 1598. Barely six decades later, the Dodo was all but extinct, wiped out by hungry sailors and invasive species… Read More »
Does Catnip Actually Get Cats High?
Somewhere in Siberia around 23,000 years ago, a particularly brave wolf or wolves wandered into a human campsite in search of food and the humans and said animal were apparently like “Did we just become best friends?!?!?!?” 23 millennia of selective breeding later, and we have succeeded in turning a once wild and fearsome beast… Read More »