Tag Archives: History
In 1911, Marie Curie’s affair with married physicist Paul Langevin sparked public outrage. Despite…
Andrew Carnegie, a self-made steel magnate, gave away nearly 90% of his fortune—about $350…
Sri Lanka became an island in 1480 when a cyclone destroyed the land bridge, known as Adam’s Bridge,…
Fire, Ice, and Plutonium
Lasting from the end of the Second World War in 1945 to the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, the Cold War was among the most dangerous periods in all of human history. For over four and half decades, the communist east and the capitalist west eyed each other suspiciously across the Iron Curtain,… Read More »
All centibillionaires first reached $100 billion in 2017 or later, except Bill Gates, who briefly…
Ishi was the last known member of the Yahi, a subgroup of the Yana people in California. Yahi…
Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor
Reach into your pocket and pull out your cell phone. Even if you are rocking the most ancient, stripped-down flip phone from 2002, the object in your hands is still a marvel of modern electronics technology, packing billions of tiny switches into just a few cubic centimetres of space. By contrast, the Apollo Guidance Computer… Read More »