Tag Archives: money

10 Wealthiest Men to Ever Live

Here is a list of the 10 Wealthiest Men to Ever Live. 10. John Jacob Astor John Jacob Astor was an American, originally born in Germany. He lived the life of a businessman, merchant and investor. What is most notable about Astor is that he was the first multi-millionaire ever to have lived in the…… Read More »

Benjamin Franklin’s Fugio Cent: A Call to Focus on Affairs

The initial U.S. coin to officially circulate, known as the Fugio Cent, featured the phrase “Mind Your Business” rather than “In God We Trust.” Benjamin Franklin is thought to have designed the coin, according to some sources. As a prominent and accomplished entrepreneur, historians theorize that Franklin used the term “business” in its literal sense.… Read More »


The first recorded use of paper currency in the world is believed to have occurred in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD). The Chinese used paper money in the form of “jiaozi,” which were paper notes issued by the government that could be exchanged for gold or silver. The jiaozi were used primarily as… Read More »