Tag Archives: Nature

WTF Fun Fact 13591 – The Grandmother Hypothesis

Researchers set out to explore the “Grandmother Hypothesis,” which recalls the age-old advice from grandmothers to always scrub behind the ears, between the toes, and inside the belly button. Click to read the full fact. The post WTF Fun Fact 13591 – The Grandmother Hypothesis appeared first on WTF Fun Facts. Source

WTF Fun Fact 13583 – Upside-Down Jellyfish

Upside-down jellyfish are one of the ocean’s many marvels. Click to read the full fact. The post WTF Fun Fact 13583 – Upside-Down Jellyfish appeared first on WTF Fun Facts. Source

10 Amazing River Meander facts

It’s almost impossible to find a river or a stream flowing in a prolonged straight path; they must always carve. The continuous “snaking” of the river can result in amazing physical features and beautiful sceneries– they are known as river meanders. What happens when a meandering river abandons a specific channel? How do experts explain…… Read More »