Tag Archives: traditions

6 Surprising Facts About St. Patrick’s Day

St. Patrick’s Day began as a humble religious observance—no colorful parades, no green beer, no rowdy festivities. Once Irish immigrants brought the holiday stateside, it transformed into a secular celebration of all things Irish, complete with lively traditions that might raise the eyebrows of the holiday’s namesake saint. Ironically, the date commemorates the death of… Read More »

Dive Into Japanese Folklore and Mythical Creatures

Japanese folklore is such a cool place; it’s where all those weird, surreal, and just bizarre things come to life. You have everything from nightmare-eating monsters to haunted umbrellas to giant ears of corn-these stories give you a peek into this world where nature and the supernatural kind of mix together. But these tales aren’t… Read More »

5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

From creatures that speak in human tongues to deities representing the abstract, these tales have been a fundamental part of human history, providing insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the unknown. Here are five intriguing and whimsical myths that have captivated the imagination through the ages: 1. The Silent Orangutans of Indonesia… Read More »

The country of Ghana is home to…

The country of Ghana is home to just one natural lake, which was created by a meteorite impact around 1 million years ago. The lake is considered sacred and there is a traditional taboo against touching the water with iron. Modern boats are not considered appropriate and traditional wooden boats are used instead. Despite this,… Read More »