Tag Archives: traditions

5 Fascinating Narratives from the World of Mythologies

From creatures that speak in human tongues to deities representing the abstract, these tales have been a fundamental part of human history, providing insight into the human psyche and the mysteries of the unknown. Here are five intriguing and whimsical myths that have captivated the imagination through the ages: 1. The Silent Orangutans of Indonesia… Read More »

The country of Ghana is home to…

The country of Ghana is home to just one natural lake, which was created by a meteorite impact around 1 million years ago. The lake is considered sacred and there is a traditional taboo against touching the water with iron. Modern boats are not considered appropriate and traditional wooden boats are used instead. Despite this,… Read More »

First footing

New Year’s Eve is usually celebrated with parties, fireworks, and other festive activities. In many cultures, it is also a time for making resolutions for the coming year, and for looking back on the past year. One somewhat unusual tradition that takes place on New Year’s Eve in some parts of the world is the… Read More »

The ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia

The ancient Roman festival of Saturnalia, which took place in December, was a time of revelry and inversion of social norms. During the festival, slaves and masters would swap places, with slaves being treated to elaborate feasts and given temporary freedom to speak their minds. The festival was also marked by gambling, drinking, and gift-giving,… Read More »