Tag Archives: video games

The Extraordinary Saga of Sega: 7 Unusual Facts You Probably Didn’t Know

Born amidst the sun-kissed shores of Hawaii as an American enterprise, Sega initially served as a key distributor of coin-operated jukeboxes, games, and slot machines to military installations. The company made an unexpected move to Japan following the US government’s decision to outlaw slot machines in 1952, marking a new chapter in its corporate narrative.… Read More »

From Silicon & Synapse to Blizzard: A Name Evolution in Gaming History

The video game developer and publisher known today as Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., originally started out as Silicon & Synapse, Inc., established on February 8, 1991. Due to unfortunate confusion with silicon-based breast implants, they altered their name to Chaos Studios, Inc. in 1993. However, to avoid conflict with Chaos Technologies, they underwent another name change… Read More »


The video game maker “Acclaim” was named by its founders in such a way that it would appear before their former employer “Activision” and “Accolade,” another company established by ex-Activision employees, in alphabetical listings, following the same logic as that behind the establishment of Activision itself by ex-Atari employees. Source

Two regions of the brain, reward…

Two regions of the brain, reward pathways and the hippocampus, physically shrink when we’re clinically depressed and gaming reverses that damage. Gameplay hyperstimulates areas of the brain associated with motivation, goals, learning and memory; making it the neurological opposite of depression. The post Two regions of the brain, reward… appeared first on Crazy Facts. Source