Tag Archives: Science
How Elemental Analysis is Used in Environmental Testing
From Fields to Future: AgriTech’s Smart Solutions for Farmers
The agricultural industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformation, fueled by the swift integration of innovative technologies known as AgriTech. Tools such as precision farming, automated… The post From Fields to Future: AgriTech’s Smart Solutions for Farmers first appeared on KickassFacts. Source
Weird but True Facts About the Science of Happiness
One reason humans find it so hard to achieve happiness is due to “prevalence-induced concept change”…
Who Actually Invented the First Machine Gun?
“I never shall forget the way That Blood upon this awful day Preserved us all from death. He stood upon a little mound, Cast his lethargic eyes around, And said beneath his breath : “Whatever happens we have got The Maxim Gun, and they have not.” This passage, from Hillaire Belloc’s 1898 poem The Modern… Read More »
Tips for Keeping Your Ears Healthy and Happy
Incredible Engineering- Inventing the Transistor
Reach into your pocket and pull out your cell phone. Even if you are rocking the most ancient, stripped-down flip phone from 2002, the object in your hands is still a marvel of modern electronics technology, packing billions of tiny switches into just a few cubic centimetres of space. By contrast, the Apollo Guidance Computer… Read More »
Why Do We Experience Déjà Vu?
To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before: How do Astronauts Answer the Call of Nature in Space?
It was 8:15 AM on May 5, 1961, and astronaut Alan Bartlett Shepard Jr. was facing an unexpected crisis. Chosen to be the first American – and the second human – in history to blast into space, at 5:15 AM Shepard had been strapped into his Mercury spacecraft Freedom 7 and the hatch bolted shut… Read More »