Tag Archives: babies
Why is it common to see babies napping in freezing temperatures in Nordic countries?
Newborn Hydration: Comparing Babies, Bananas, and Potatoes
At birth, a newborn baby’s body consists of approximately 75% water, which is a slightly higher water content than bananas but marginally less than that of potatoes. As humans age, the percentage of water in their bodies decreases. By adulthood, the average human body is about 60% water. Maintaining proper hydration is essential for numerous… Read More »
30 Interesting Facts About Babies
Here are 30 Interesting Facts About Babies. 1-5 Interesting Facts About Babies 1. Babies who are born deaf and are exposed to sign language early, babble using sign language – Source 2. The first time a Navajo baby laughs, the family throws a party. The person who made the baby laugh provides the food. –…… Read More »